The Sun and the Moon

L. Lightfeather
3 min readApr 10, 2022


Once upon a time, there was a conversation between the Sun and the Moon.

Approximately 150 million kilometers separated these two celestial bodies but that never stopped them from exchanging good ideas about the cosmos.

The Sun did not know how to calibrate the intensity of the radiation of its solar energy and many times, therefore, it ended up pushing the Moon away. Sometimes they stayed light-years without speaking, but at other times, they made peace and exchanged knowledge. Time passed differently in the galaxy, especially when they decided to talk, as all the stars stopped to listen.

— Moon?

— Hi Sun, decided to show up again?

— I worry about Gaia, I don’t know what I’m doing differently, but it seems my heat is doing more harm than good. In my calculations, the polar ice caps should not melt at this rate, droughts are more frequent and biodiversity is being lost. What’s happening?

— Don’t worry Sun, it’s not your fault. You know how humans are, they always get into trouble but are creative enough to find a solution.

— I put my faith in them, but this time it seems to be different. A new God has arisen and they seem to be obsessed, they lost all focus on what matters. Technology was once a tool but is now worshiped in a frightening way. The digital world has taken information to all corners of the world but it seems to me that humans are drowning in it at the same time they are dehydrated on knowledge. Also, have you seen the massive amount of electricity that cryptocurrencies are consuming? This needs to stop immediately.

— I agree with you, it’s getting out of hand. Time is their most valuable resource and they are spending every second looking at screens. Trapped in a mirror world of visual stimuli. As if their lives were a big Netflix catalog, there are so many options that it is almost impossible to choose a movie.

— What do you mean exactly Moon?

— They are missing a purpose Sun, something that can only be cultivated in the dimension of the soul. They forgot that there are other Gods and they are lacking the basics: spirituality and love. It’s like they have everything and nothing at the same time. A very special human predicted this would happen before he became a star. According to him, in the times that humans live today, everything is liquid and nothing is made to last. Isn’t it sad?

— I think I understand Moon, they don’t know what they want? Is that what you mean? So I have a question. Is it possible to desire that which you already have?

— Obviously, you big-headed fireball. Especially because love is basically that, without a sincere desire for someone every day, it is not possible to cultivate something lasting. What happens if you divide your attention and start craving everything around you? You don’t really take a step in any direction. Inertia.

At that moment Sun heated up tremendously but contained his heat like never before. He realized that of all he could have in the universe, he already had the most valuable thing of all, the Moon’s attention and ears.

With Love,
For all the love stories that went wrong
And my boys K.A & M.



L. Lightfeather
L. Lightfeather

Written by L. Lightfeather

“L’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle.” ― Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy

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