The Adamantine Mountain
The misstep almost knocked Lightfeather off balance, the slip of his foot moved not only the rocky earth that ended up holding his posture but also awakened the movement of some small stones that went downhill on a journey that would require them a long time to stay still again. He immediately looked over his shoulder to see if that accident had disturbed Winston’s concentration, who was looking at him disapprovingly.
Winston: — Focus Lightfeather, we’re almost there! My body is already too old for this and I swore I would never climb Mount Adamantine again, but this is the last lesson you lack and here I am. Said Winston with a tone of encouragement and criticism as he used his staff to advance through the next obstacle.
Mount Adamantine was in the Andes, it was the highest mountain outside Asia but it was never a place known to many, the beginning of its trail was in a special place but Winston remembered exactly how to get there and that’s why he put Lightfeather in the car where they traveled thousands of kilometers to Argentina in order to teach the last lesson about autonomy that his protege needed to go on his way without him.
A few minutes later, when the sun had set and the moon hung on that magical stellar horizon that could not be seen from anywhere else in the world, they both took the last vertical step and found themselves at the top of that extremely privileged geolocation. They sat on rocks facing each other, shared the last bottle of water, and caught their breath.
With his fist clenched, Winston pointed his index finger at the moon and directed the first question to his pupil.
Winston: — See my hand and finger? Where are they pointing? Said Winston in a serious tone, as he had begun the last lesson he would give Lightfeather.
A few minutes later, when the sun had set and the moon hung on that magical stellar horizon that could not be seen from anywhere else in the world, they both took the last vertical step and found themselves at the top of that extremely privileged geolocation. They sat on rocks facing each other, shared the last bottle of water, and caught their breath.
With his fist clenched, Winston pointed his index finger at the moon and directed the first question to his pupil.
Winston: — See my hand and finger? Where are they pointing? Said Winston in a serious tone, as he had begun the last lesson he would give Lightfeather.
Lightfeather: — To the biggest, most intense moon I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing in my entire life. Replied Lightfeather with the contentment of one who felt properly rewarded for the effort he had put into getting there.
Winston: — What does it represent to you? Continued questioning Winston.
Excited by that question, Lightfeather didn’t think twice before starting to respond with all the sensations he could convey. — The glow of a celestial planet! The magnitude of a thousand stadiums! The ability to dream! The beauty of nature! The idea of looking up to the skies and imagining the brightest of futures! My goodness, how good it feels to be alive, Winston!
Winston: — I agree with you, but the answer is elsewhere, what time is it now?
Confused, Lightfeather looked at his illuminated watch on his wrist and replied: — It's fifteen to eleven.
Winston: — The moon is many light years ahead, do you know what time is it there? How can it represent the future for you if it is actually in the past? Exactly 1,3 seconds every time we look.
Lightfeather: — I have no idea Winston, how could I know?
Winston: — Now return your gaze to my fingertip Lightfeather, what does it mean to you?
Lightfeathter: — A direction, an idea!
Winston: — This is the lesson, my dear son. Never mistake the finger for the moon, one is in front of you and the other can never be touched by you, just glimpsed! Understand the value of presence and be present. There’s nothing wrong with dreaming Lightfeathter but as you look up to the skies the world transforms, what could be more beautiful? The view or the floor of this unbreakable mountain at your feet that made this experience possible? Look around you and breathe that fresh air with your full lungs!
Lightfeather: — I don’t know if I follow.
Winston: — Don’t cling to the past but always keep looking forward Lightfeather, don’t cling to the ideals of the future but always keep dreaming of what you feel is right. As you look at your cell phone screen, the wind will blow on your face. As you compete for the attention of others, you stop being there for those who really matter. When you miss the opportunity to do something new, you stop spinning with the planet because you cling to an idea of yourself that lives in the past of your mind or in the future of your dreams.
Lightfeather: — Is the secret in the present, Winston?
Winston: — No son, the secret is in your heart because it beats in the same rhythm as your clock. It won’t always be able to discern right from wrong but let it direct you and always continue to be experimental and kind because all people are loveable. Learn to recognize your mistakes so you can learn from them. Always question your intention and always, always question people, because when they are wrong, they tend to project the source of guilt and evil onto others instead of facing their own reflection in the mirror.
Lightfeather: — I understand now Winston, thank you for that. Thank you for everything!
Winston: — Now go your way my son, I need to enjoy my last moment up here.